United Way

United Way2022-02-08T17:44:17+00:00

1889 Foundation works with the United Way of the Laurel Highlands (UWLH) by providing a challenge grant that provides up to $500,000 in 1889 Foundation funds to increase the reach and impact of the United Way’s Community Impact grants.

Community Impact grants are distributed annually to high-performing non-profit organizations in Cambria and Somerset Counties, and are awarded by a volunteer-driven committee and review panels. The application process requires recipients to explain programs, methods, desired outcomes, and how results will be measured. Site visits are a requirement as well. Currently, 30 programs delivered by 25 partner agencies are supported through United Way.

Historically, large grants of $50,000-$200,000 have been given to organizations providing evidence-based programming that addresses social change initiatives in three main areas: preparing all children socially, emotionally, and academically for kindergarten; increasing parental knowledge of child development and care; and preventing youth drug and alcohol use. Smaller grants of $5,000-$50,000 have supported additional programming in health and human services. The 1889 Foundation matching gift of $500,000 significantly increases the impact and the reach of all of these programs.

In 2016, 1889 Foundation made a three-year commitment to provide this challenge grant through the UWLH, and the exact amount will be determined each year.

News about the United Way

Here’s the latest information about the 1889 Foundation-United Way collaboration.

Community Health Needs Assessment released

In April 2022, Conemaugh Health System, with 1889 Foundation, 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health, and the United Way of Laurel Highlands began a Community Health Needs

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