1889 provides scholarships to surgical technology students
1889 Foundation is proud to award scholarships to four students enrolled in CMMC’s Program for
1889 Foundation is proud to award scholarships to four students enrolled in CMMC’s Program for
Physical copies of our annual report, "Staying the Course," have been mailed to our supporters
1889 Foundation is delighted to announce that the Audrey Hargreaves Bearer Scholarship Fund has been
By Randall S. May Garnet (left) and Betty, c. 1944. Kingswood & Beginnings
1889 Foundation is delighted to announce that a Conemaugh School of Nursing scholarship has been
Conemaugh Health System, in collaboration with the 1889 Foundation and Lee Initiatives, will host the
The following article appeared in the Somerset County Public Safety Expressor, the quarterly newsletter of
Cassandra Fisher and June Hutsky have been named the winners of the Marjorie Farabaugh Nurse
1889 Foundation's 2019-2020 annual report, "Charting a Path Toward Health Through Collaboration," is
1889 Foundation is proud to present our 2018-2019 Annual Report, showing how we're lighting the