Help 1889 Foundation respond to the coronavirus crisis! We are collaborating with the United Way of the Laurel Highlands, Community Foundation for the Alleghenies and Lee Initiatives on coronavirus relief in Cambria and Somerset Counties, helping to fund the emergency needs of health and human services organizations that are experiencing unprecedented demand due to the crisis. Together, with our funding partners as well as an advisory committee, made up of representatives from both Cambria and Somerset Counties, we are meeting virtually on a weekly basis to review and prioritize requests received by United Way so that we can provide funding as quickly as possible.
The fund is helping health and human services organizations meet rising needs for food, emergency housing, and more. If you’d like to contribute through the 1889 Foundation, please click on the link below to donate online (under “designation,” choose “other,” and type “coronavirus relief”). If you would prefer to mail a check, please designate it to “coronavirus relief” and mail to 1889 Foundation, 4 Valley Pike, Johnstown, PA 15905.